Free Personal Trainer Independent Contractor Agreement Form Template


Free Personal Trainer Independent Contractor Agreement Form Template

Personal Trainer Independent Contractor Agreement Form

Please fill in the details of this agreement to establish working terms.

I. The Parties

This Personal Trainer Independent Contractor Agreement Form ("Agreement") is made and entered into on Month Day, Year, by and between [Your Company Name], with a primary place of business at [Your Company Address] ("Company"), and Trainer's Name, with a primary address at Trainer's Address ("Trainer"). The Company and Trainer may collectively be referred to as the ("Parties") or individually as a ("Party").

WHEREAS, the Company desires to engage the services of a qualified personal trainer to provide health, fitness, and wellness training to its clients;

WHEREAS, the Trainer represents that they are experienced and qualified to provide personal training services and wishes to enter into this agreement as an independent contractor;

WHEREAS, the Parties wish to define and clarify the terms of their working relationship to ensure mutual understanding and benefit;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and obligations herein, the Parties agree as follows:

II. Independent Contractor Relationship

  1. Trainer shall perform all services as an independent contractor, not as an employee of the Company.

  2. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to create an employer-employee relationship between the Company and Trainer.

III. Scope of Services

  1. Trainer agrees to provide personal training services to clients as outlined in this Agreement and per the specifications of the Company.

  2. Trainer shall set training schedules, locations, and programs as agreed upon with the Company or clients.

IV. Compensation and Payment

  1. The Company agrees to compensate the Trainer at a rate of Amount per Frequency.

  2. Payment shall be made by Payment Mthod(s) on a Frequency basis.

  3. Trainer shall be responsible for all taxes, fees, and licenses associated with their services.

V. Term and Termination

  1. This Agreement shall commence on Month Day, Year and continue until Month Day, Year, unless terminated earlier by either Party in writing.

  2. Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time with No. of Days days’ written notice.

VI. Signature

By signing below, both Parties agree to the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement.







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