Free Independent Contractor Sales Commission Agreement Form Template


Free Independent Contractor Sales Commission Agreement Form Template

Independent Contractor Sales Commission Agreement Form

Please fill out and sign this agreement to establish the terms.

I. The Parties

This Independent Contractor Sales Commission Agreement Form ("Agreement") is made and entered into on Month Day, Year, by and between [Your Company Name], with a primary place of business at [Your Company Address] ("Company"), and Contractor’s Name, with a primary address at Contractor's Address ("Contractor"). The Company and Contractor may collectively be referred to as the ("Parties") or individually as a ("Party").

WHEREAS, the Company desires to engage the Contractor to perform sales services on its behalf;

WHEREAS, the Contractor has the skills and qualifications necessary to perform these services;

WHEREAS, the Parties wish to define the terms and conditions of their agreement, including the sales commission structure;

NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree to the following terms:

II. Scope of Work

Contractor agrees to perform sales services for the Company, including but not limited to identifying potential clients, presenting and selling Company products, and following up on leads.

III. Commission Structure

  1. Commission Rate: Contractor will receive a commission of Commission Rate for each sale made.

  2. Payment Schedule: Commissions will be paid on Frequencybasis.

  3. Additional Terms: Company reserves the right to adjust the commission rate with a No. of Days days’ written notice to the Contractor.

IV. Independent Contractor Relationship

Contractor is an independent contractor and not an employee of the Company. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating a partnership, joint venture, or employment relationship between the Parties.

V. Term and Termination

This Agreement shall commence on the date first written above and continue until terminated by either Party upon No. of Days written notice to the other Party.

VI. Signature

By signing below, both Parties acknowledge and accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement.







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