Free Chiropractic Clinic Telehealth Consent Form Template


Free Chiropractic Clinic Telehealth Consent Form Template

Chiropractic Clinic Telehealth Consent Form

Please read carefully and sign below.

Full Name

    Contact Number

      Consent Agreement

      By signing this form, I acknowledge and agree to the following:

      1. Purpose of Telehealth Services: I understand that telehealth is used for diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, and care management remotely.

      2. Privacy and Security: I understand that reasonable efforts are made to protect the privacy and security of telehealth communications. However, there is a potential risk of unauthorized access to electronic information.

      3. Limitations of Telehealth: I understand that telehealth services may not be as complete as in-person care. If deemed necessary, I may need to schedule an in-person visit.

      4. Billing and Insurance: I understand that telehealth services are billed similarly to in-person visits and may be covered by insurance depending on my plan.

      5. Right to Refuse or Withdraw: I understand that I have the right to refuse or withdraw consent for telehealth services at any time without affecting my right to future care or treatment.

      Acknowledgment and Consent

      I have read and understood the information provided above regarding telehealth services. I give my informed consent to participate in telehealth services with my chiropractor.



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