Free Non-Binding Purchase Letter Template



Free Non-Binding Purchase Letter Template

Non-Binding Purchase Letter

Date: November 25, 2050

Carmel Ryan
Director of Strategic Partnerships
Baltimore, MD 21201

Dear Ms. Ryan,

I am writing to confirm [Your Company Name]'s interest in pursuing the potential purchase of certain assets from DynaFive. After reviewing your company’s strategic positioning and the value of its intellectual property and technology infrastructure, we are excited about the prospect of acquiring these assets to complement our ongoing projects. Please note that this letter serves as a non-binding expression of interest and does not constitute a formal agreement.

We are prepared to offer an initial price of $4.5 million for the acquisition of key assets, including patents and software systems. This price is contingent on the results of our due diligence process and is subject to change based on further discussions. It is important to emphasize that while we are very interested in pursuing this opportunity, this letter does not legally bind either party to move forward.

If you are open to further dialogue, we would appreciate the opportunity to meet and discuss the next steps, including timelines for due diligence and any additional terms that may need to be addressed. We believe that with a mutual understanding, we can work towards a formal purchase agreement that benefits both parties.

We are looking forward to your feedback and hope to explore this opportunity in greater detail. Please feel free to reach out to me should you require any clarification or wish to set up a meeting.


[Your Name]
[Your Email]
[Your Company Name]

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