Free Documented Verbal Warning Template
Documented Verbal Warning
Employee Name: Alex Johnson
Employee ID: 123456
Job Title: Customer Service Representative
Department: Customer Relations
Date of Warning: March 15, 2050
Supervisor/Manager Name: [Your Name]
Details of the Issue:
On March 10, 2050, it was observed that you were not adhering to company policy regarding punctuality. Specifically, you arrived at work 45 minutes late without notifying your supervisor in advance. This marks the third instance of tardiness within the last 30 days (previous occurrences on February 22, 2050, and February 28, 2050).
As outlined in Company Policy 4.2: Attendance and Punctuality, all employees are expected to report to work on time or notify their supervisor of any delays. Your repeated tardiness disrupts the workflow and affects team performance.
Expectations for Improvement:
You are expected to arrive at work promptly by your scheduled start time of 9:00 AM.
If an unforeseen delay occurs, notify your supervisor no later than 15 minutes before your scheduled start time.
This improvement must begin immediately and will be reviewed during the next performance check on April 1, 2050.
Consequences of Non-Compliance:
Failure to comply with these expectations may result in further disciplinary action, including a written warning or potential termination, in accordance with company policies.
Acknowledgment of Receipt:
I acknowledge that I have received this documented verbal warning and that its contents have been discussed with me. I understand that signing this form does not indicate agreement but confirms receipt.
Employee Signature: Alex Johnson
Date: March 15, 2050
Supervisor/Manager Signature: [Your Name]
Date: March 15, 2050