Free Oral Warning Documentation Template
Oral Warning Documentation
Employee Name: John Doe
Employee ID: 123456
Job Title: Customer Service Representative
Department: Customer Support
Supervisor/Manager Name: [Your Name]
Date of Warning: March 15, 2050
Time of Meeting: 10:00 AM
Location of Meeting: Manager's Office
Subject of Warning:
Repeated tardiness
Details of Incident/Behavior:
John Doe has been late to work five times in the past month (March 2050). Specific instances include:
March 2, 2050: Arrived at 9:20 AM (scheduled start time: 9:00 AM)
March 6, 2050: Arrived at 9:15 AM
March 9, 2050: Arrived at 9:25 AM
March 12, 2050: Arrived at 9:30 AM
March 14, 2050: Arrived at 9:10 AM
This pattern of tardiness is disruptive to the team’s workflow and affects overall productivity.
Company Policy/Expectation:
Per the company’s Attendance Policy (Section 4.2 of the Employee Handbook), employees are expected to arrive on time for their scheduled shifts. Consistent punctuality is essential for maintaining a smooth operation.
Discussion Summary:
During the meeting, John Doe was informed of the impact of his tardiness on the team and the department. He was reminded of the company's attendance policy and advised on the importance of being punctual.
Employee's Response:
John explained that traffic delays have contributed to his lateness and stated he will adjust his commute schedule to address the issue.
Next Steps:
John Doe is expected to arrive on time for all scheduled shifts moving forward.
A follow-up review will take place on April 1, 2050, to assess improvement.
Further incidents of tardiness will result in a written warning or additional disciplinary action.
This documentation serves as a record of the verbal warning issued to the employee. A copy will be kept in the employee's personnel file.
Employee Signature: [Employee's Name]
Date: [Date]
Manager Signature: [Your Name]
Date: [Date]