Free Construction Safety Risk Assessment Template



Free Construction Safety Risk Assessment Template

Construction Safety Risk Assessment

Project Details

  • Project Name: High-Rise Office Tower Construction

  • Location: 1234 Main St., Downtown, Cityville

  • Assessment Date: December 2, 2060

  • Assessment Conducted By: John Doe, Safety Officer; Jane Smith, Site Supervisor

  • Project Manager: Michael Johnson

  • Supervisor(s): Sarah Lee, Alan Mitchell

1. Work Activity Description

Work Activity


Concrete Pouring

Pouring and setting concrete for the foundation slab on the first floor. Includes the use of mixers, cranes, and manual labor for placing and smoothing concrete.

2. Risk Identification


Potential Risk

Falling from height (scaffolding)

Workers could fall from scaffolding or elevated platforms during concrete pouring, leading to serious injuries or fatalities.

Heavy machinery (cranes, mixers)

Workers in proximity to heavy machinery risk injury from moving parts or being struck by falling objects.

Wet concrete

Exposure to wet concrete can cause skin burns or irritation if contact is not prevented by proper PPE.

Manual handling of heavy loads

Workers may strain their muscles or suffer injuries from lifting heavy concrete bags or tools.

Noise exposure

Prolonged exposure to loud machinery and equipment could result in hearing damage or loss.

Slips, trips, and falls on wet surfaces

The wet concrete and equipment spillage increases the risk of workers slipping, causing falls and injuries.

3. Risk Assessment


Likelihood (1-5)

Severity (1-5)

Risk Score

Risk Level

Falling from height (scaffolding)





Heavy machinery (cranes, mixers)





Wet concrete





Manual handling of heavy loads





Noise exposure





Slips, trips, and falls on wet surfaces





4. Control Measures and Mitigation Strategies


Control Measures

Responsible Person(s)

Completion Date

Falling from height (scaffolding)

Install fall arrest systems, ensure scaffolds are properly secured, and use safety harnesses.

Alan Mitchell, Site Supervisor

December 3, 2060

Heavy machinery (cranes, mixers)

Provide proper training for equipment operators, ensure all machinery has functioning safety features (e.g., alarms, warning lights), and enforce exclusion zones around heavy machinery.

Sarah Lee, Safety Officer

December 3, 2060

Wet concrete

Provide workers with waterproof gloves, long-sleeve shirts, and boots to prevent skin contact with wet concrete.

John Doe, Safety Officer

December 2, 2060

Manual handling of heavy loads

Train workers on proper lifting techniques, provide mechanical aids like dollies, and ensure team lifting for heavy loads.

Jane Smith, Supervisor

December 2, 2060

Noise exposure

Provide hearing protection (earplugs, earmuffs) for workers, and ensure machinery is regularly serviced to minimize noise levels.

Michael Johnson, Project Manager

December 3, 2060

Slips, trips, and falls on wet surfaces

Use anti-slip mats in work areas, ensure the area is regularly cleaned, and enforce the use of slip-resistant footwear.

Alan Mitchell, Site Supervisor

December 2, 2060

5. Emergency Response Plan

  1. Emergency Contact Numbers:

    • Fire Department: 911

    • Site Safety Officer: John Doe – (555) 123-4567

    • Hospital: Cityville General Hospital – (555) 987-6543

  2. First Aid Procedures:

    • Minor Cuts and Scrapes: Clean the wound, and apply antiseptic, and bandage.

    • Burns from Wet Concrete: Rinse the affected area immediately with cold water for at least 15 minutes, then apply burn cream and cover with a sterile dressing.

    • Broken Bones: Immobilize the injured area, apply cold packs to reduce swelling, and transport to a medical facility.

  3. Evacuation Plan:

    • Evacuation Routes: Use the main staircase to exit the building, with clear signage indicating routes.

    • Assembly Points: Parking lot area (north side) and adjacent open field (south side).

  4. Special Equipment:

    • Fire extinguishers (located on every floor)

    • First aid kits (located at the site entrance and near scaffolding)

    • Eye wash station (in the vicinity of the concrete mixing area)

6. PPE Requirements


Required for Task

Additional Comments

Safety Helmet

All workers on site

Required at all times for head protection.

High-visibility Vest

All workers and visitors on site

Must be worn at all times to ensure visibility.

Safety Gloves

Workers handling concrete

Waterproof gloves are required to prevent skin exposure to wet concrete.

Steel-toed Boots

All workers

To protect against foot injury from falling materials.

Hearing Protection

Workers near heavy machinery

Earplugs or earmuffs are required near concrete mixers, cranes, and other noisy equipment.

Fall Protection Harness

Workers on scaffolding

Harness and lanyard must be worn at all heights above 6 feet.

7. Monitoring and Review

Monitoring Method

Responsible Person(s)

Review Frequency

Next Review Date

Weekly Safety Audits

Sarah Lee, Safety Officer


December 9, 2060

Daily Toolbox Talks

John Doe, Safety Officer


December 3, 2060

Equipment Inspections

Alan Mitchell, Site Supervisor


December 10, 2060

8. Sign-Off

By signing this document, the undersigned acknowledges that the risks have been assessed, and appropriate control measures are in place.





John Doe

Safety Officer

December 2, 2060

Michael Johnson

Project Manager

December 2, 2060

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