Free Business Process Risk Assessment Template



Free Business Process Risk Assessment Template

Business Process Risk Assessment

  • Company Name: [Your Company Name]

  • Department/Process: Sales and Customer Service Department

  • Assessment Date: May 1, 2090

  • Assessor(s): [Your Name]

1. Objective

The objective of this Business Process Risk Assessment is to systematically identify, assess, and manage operational risks within key business processes such as production, sales, and customer service. By evaluating these risks, the goal is to enhance operational efficiency, reduce potential disruptions, ensure regulatory compliance, and improve overall business performance.

2. Risk Identification

For each business process (e.g., production, sales, customer service), identify the potential risks. Evaluate internal and external factors that could impact the process.

Process Area

Risk Description

Risk Category (e.g., Financial, Operational, Compliance)

Risk Owner


E.g., Equipment failure, supply chain disruption, labor shortages




E.g., Loss of key clients, inaccurate demand forecasting, competitive pressure

Financial / Operational


Customer Service

E.g., Poor customer satisfaction, employee turnover, lack of adequate support systems

Operational / Customer Experience



E.g., Shipment delays, inventory errors, inefficient routing

Operational / Financial


IT Systems

E.g., Cybersecurity threats, software malfunctions, outdated infrastructure

Operational / Compliance


3. Risk Assessment Matrix

Evaluate the likelihood and impact of each identified risk to prioritize them. Use the matrix below to classify each risk.



Risk Rating (Likelihood x Impact)

Very Low (1)

Very Low (1)

Very Low (1)

Low (2)

Low (2)

Low (2)

Medium (3)

Medium (3)

Medium (6)

High (4)

High (4)

High (16)

Very High (5)

Very High (5)

Very High (25)


  • 1 = Rare, 5 = Almost certain


  • 1 = Negligible, 5 = Catastrophic

4. Risk Evaluation and Prioritization

Process Area

Risk Description

Likelihood Rating (1-5)

Impact Rating (1-5)

Risk Rating (Likelihood x Impact)


Loss of key clients due to poor relationship management

Likelihood: 3 (Possible)

Impact: 4 (High)

Risk Rating: 12 (Medium)

IT Systems

Cybersecurity threat due to outdated software

Likelihood: 5 (Almost Certain)

Impact: 5 (Catastrophic)

Risk Rating: 25 (Very High)

5. Mitigation Strategies

For each high and medium risk, identify actions to mitigate or manage the risk.

Risk Description

Risk Rating

Mitigation Actions

Responsible Person


Equipment Failure

High (16)

Schedule regular maintenance; train staff on emergency procedures

John Doe, Operations Lead


Cybersecurity Threat

High (20)

Implement stronger firewalls; conduct regular security audits

Jane Smith, IT Manager

In Progress

Customer Turnover

Medium (12)

Improve employee satisfaction through surveys and engagement programs

Mike Johnson, HR Manager


6. Residual Risk Evaluation

After applying mitigation strategies, reassess the risk level.

Risk Description

Residual Risk Rating

Risk Level After Mitigation

Responsible Person

E.g., Equipment Failure

Low (5)


John Doe

E.g., Cybersecurity Threat

Medium (10)


Jane Smith

E.g., Customer Turnover

Low (6)


Mike Johnson

7. Monitoring and Review

  • Monitoring Frequency: (e.g., Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly) ____________________

  • Review Date: ___________________________

  • Next Assessment Date: ___________________

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