Free Swimming Pool Waiver Release Form Template


Free Swimming Pool Waiver Release Form Template

Swimming Pool Waiver Release Form

Please fill out this form completely to ensure your safety and understanding of pool usage policies.

Participant Information


    Current Address



          Phone Number

            Emergency Contact Information


              Phone Number


                  Acknowledgment and Release

                  • I, the undersigned, acknowledge that swimming and pool activities involve inherent risks, including but not limited to drowning, slipping, or injury.

                  • I agree to follow all posted rules and instructions from [Your Company Name] staff to ensure safety.

                  • I release and discharge [Your Company Name], its employees, and agents from any claims or liability arising from pool usage, except in cases of gross negligence.

                  • I confirm that I am physically fit to engage in swimming activities and will not hold [Your Company Name] liable for any pre-existing medical conditions.

                  Do you consent to the release as described in this form?

                  I hereby confirm that all the above information is true and authentic and that I have read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions.

                  Your Name

                  Date Signed

                  Release Form Templates @