Free Location Release Form Template


Free Location Release Form Template

Location Release Form

Please fill out this form completely to authorize the use of your property for location-based activities.

Property Owner Information


    Phone Number


        Property Information

        Property Address

          Specific Areas for Use

            Activity Details

            Purpose of Use

              • Filming

              • Photography

              • Event

              Date of Use

                Start Time

                  End Time

                    Acknowledgment and Release

                    • I, the undersigned, grant [Your Company Name] permission to use the property specified above for the described purpose and dates.

                    • I understand that the property may be accessed, modified, or altered as needed, provided it is returned to its original condition unless otherwise agreed.

                    • I release and discharge [Your Company Name], its employees, and agents from any liability related to the approved use of my property, except in cases of gross negligence.

                    • I confirm that I am the legal owner or have authority to grant this release.

                    Do you consent to the release as described in this form?

                    I hereby confirm that all the above information is true and authentic and that I have read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions.

                    Your Name

                    Date Signed

                    Release Form Templates @