Free Simple Crop Loan Proposal Template

Simple Crop Loan Proposal

Prepared By:
[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]
December 5, 2050

Loan Request Overview

[Your Company Name] is seeking a loan of $50,000 to support the cultivation of corn and soybeans for the 2051 growing season. The loan will cover costs for seeds, fertilizers, labor, irrigation, and pest control. The goal is to increase crop yield and meet market demand.

Loan Amount and Purpose

The total loan amount requested is $50,000, which will be used for:

  • Purchasing seeds

  • Fertilizers

  • Labor costs

  • Irrigation maintenance

  • Pest control

  • Miscellaneous expenses

Farm Information

[Your Company Name] is located at [Your Company Address]. The farm covers 100 acres and grows corn and soybeans, to improve crop yield for the upcoming season.

Loan Repayment Plan

The loan will be repaid from the revenue generated by the harvest. The repayment term is 18 months, with monthly payments of $3,000 starting in June 2051, after the harvest. The interest rate for the loan is 6%.

Contact Information

Name: [Your Name]
Email: [Your Company Email]
Phone: [Your Company Number]

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