Free Microfinance Loan Proposal Template



Free Microfinance Loan Proposal Template

Microfinance Loan Proposal

Applicant Information

  • Name: [Your Name]

  • Address: 123 Green Valley Lane, Springfield

  • Contact Information: Phone: [Your Company Number], Email: [Your Email]

  • Business Name: [Your Company Name]

  • Business Type: Agriculture (Farming and Distribution)

  • Years in Operation: 3 Years

Loan Purpose

The loan is requested to expand the operations of [Your Company Name], a local business dedicated to cultivating and distributing organic fruits and vegetables. The funds will be allocated to purchasing additional seeds and organic fertilizers, acquiring a delivery vehicle to improve logistics, and upgrading irrigation systems to ensure sustainable water usage. This expansion will increase production capacity by 40% and enable [Your Company Name] to meet the growing demand in Springfield and nearby communities.

Loan Request Details

  • Amount Requested: $15,000

  • Proposed Repayment Period: 24 months

  • Repayment Plan: Monthly installments of $650, starting March 1, 2050

  • Interest Rate Assumed: 6% annually

Current Financial Position

  • Monthly Income: $3,200

  • Monthly Expenses: $2,100

  • Net Profit: $1,100

Business Impact and Justification

The loan will enable [Your Company Name] to grow its customer base and generate additional income while supporting community needs for fresh, organic produce. By investing in better logistics and farming equipment, the business expects a revenue increase of $2,000 per month, starting within six months of the expansion. The project will also create two new part-time jobs, contributing to local economic development.

Collateral and Guarantees

  • Collateral Offered: 1-acre farmland owned by the applicant

  • Guarantor: Erica Price, a retired government employee with a stable pension

Supporting Documents

The following documents are attached to this proposal:

  • Business registration certificate

  • Financial statements for the past year

  • Personal identification

  • Proof of residence


This loan will play a pivotal role in expanding the operations of [Your Company Name], fostering sustainable agricultural practices, and driving economic growth. I am confident in our ability to manage and repay the loan responsibly and look forward to your favorable decision.

Applicant Signature:                              

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