Free Affidavit for Change of Name in Birth Certificate Template



Free Affidavit for Change of Name in Birth Certificate Template

Affidavit for Change of Name in Birth Certificate

I. Affidavit Introduction

This Affidavit is made and executed by the undersigned individual for the sole purpose of effecting a change of name on the birth certificate issued to me. I solemnly affirm and declare the information provided herein to be accurate and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

II. Affiant Information

A. Personal Details

  • Full Name: Philip Mitchell

  • Date of Birth: December 9, 2050

  • Place of Birth: Milwaukee, WI 53202

  • Address: Milwaukee, WI 53202

B. Identification

  • Government ID Number: 80012533

  • Type of ID: Driver's License

III. Birth Certificate Details

  • Current Name on Birth Certificate: Phillipp Mitchells

  • Proposed New Name: Philip Mitchell

  • Reason for Name Change: wrong spelling and wrong last name

IV. Supporting Information

This section includes any additional details necessary to substantiate the need for the change of name, such as:

  • Supporting Documents (e.g., marriage certificate, court orders, etc.)

  • Any legal obligations or contracts affected by the name change

  • Impact on personal records or identification

V. Declaration

I hereby declare that the facts stated herein are true, and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously, believing the same to be true and by virtue of the laws applicable to affidavits. I understand that any false statement provided in this affidavit may subject me to penalties under the law.

VI. Signature

Philip Mitchell

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