Free Sample Student Club Meeting Minute Template



Free Sample Student Club Meeting Minute Template

Sample Student Club Meeting Minute

Meeting Details




October 20, 2055


3:00 PM - 4:30 PM


Room 101, Student Union Building


Rocky Orn, Maria Turner, Jewell Ward, [Your Name]



Agenda Items

1. Opening Remarks

The meeting was called to order by Rocky Orn, the club president, at 3:00 PM. Rocky welcomed all members and outlined the agenda for the meeting.

2. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes

The minutes from the last meeting on December 15, 2054, were reviewed. Maria Turner motioned to approve the minutes, and Jewell Ward seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

3. Club Event Planning

  • The upcoming event, "Winter Festival", was discussed. The event will be held on January 25, 2055. Event coordinator, Jewell Ward, shared the progress of the event, including venue booking and participant registration. Action items were assigned.

  • Rocky Orn will finalize the event budget by January 10, 2055. Maria Turner will design the event posters and flyers by January 12, 2055. [Your Name] will coordinate volunteers on the event day.

4. Club Fundraising Ideas

  • Ideas for fundraising were presented. Jewell Ward suggested hosting a charity bake sale during the event.

  • The fundraising idea was approved unanimously. The club decided to allocate part of the event's profits to a local charity.

  • It was decided that further details of the bake sale, including pricing and volunteers, will be discussed at the next meeting.

5. Membership Drive

  • Maria Turner reported that membership numbers have remained steady, with a small increase since the start of the semester.

  • The group brainstormed ideas to attract more members. It was suggested to hold a “Bring a Friend” event in February.

  • Action items: [Your Name] will draft the event invitation and promote it via social media by January 15, 2055.

Decisions Made

  • The "Winter Festival" event is confirmed for January 25, 2055, and the club will proceed with all planned activities.

  • The charity bake sale during the event was approved as a fundraising initiative, and further planning will occur at the next meeting.

  • The “Bring a Friend” membership drive event will be scheduled for February 2055.

Action Items


Assigned To


Finalize the event budget for the Winter Festival

Rocky Orn

January 10, 2055

Design event posters and flyers

Maria Turner

January 12, 2055

Coordinate event volunteers

[Your Name]

January 25, 2055

Draft and promote the membership drive event invitation

[Your Name]

January 15, 2055

Next Meeting

  • Date: January 16, 2055

  • Time: 3:00 PM

  • Location: Student Union Room 101

  • The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 PM by Rocky Orn. He thanked all members for their contributions and participation.

End of Minutes

Prepared by: [Your Name]

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