Free School Attendance Policy Template



Free School Attendance Policy Template

School Attendance Policy

Prepared By: [Your Company Name]

1. Purpose

This attendance policy is designed to ensure that all students understand the importance of regular attendance and its role in academic success. Consistent attendance fosters a productive learning environment and promotes responsibility and discipline.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all students enrolled in [School Name], their parents/guardians, and school staff responsible for monitoring attendance.

3. Attendance Requirements

  • Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes, including homeroom, extracurricular sessions, and special programs.

  • Attendance will be recorded daily, and parents/guardians will be notified of absences.

4. Excused Absences

The following are considered excused absences, provided proper documentation is submitted:

  • Illness (requires a doctor's note for absences longer than 3 days)

  • Family emergency

  • Religious observances

  • School-sanctioned activities (e.g., sports, competitions, field trips)

  • Court appearances

5. Unexcused Absences

Absences not meeting the criteria for excused absences will be considered unexcused. Examples include:

  • Oversleeping

  • Family vacations without prior approval

  • Missing the bus

6. Reporting Absences

  • Parents/guardians must notify the school office of a student's absence by 9:00 AM on the day of absence.

  • Written documentation must be provided within three (3) school days of the student's return.

7. Tardiness

  • Students arriving late to school or class must sign in at the front office and obtain a late pass.

  • Repeated tardiness may result in disciplinary action, including parental meetings or detention.

8. Chronic Absenteeism

  • Students who miss more than 10% of school days (excused or unexcused) may be classified as chronically absent.

  • Interventions may include meetings with parents/guardians, attendance improvement plans, or referrals to counseling services.

9. Make-Up Work

  • Students with excused absences will be allowed to complete missed assignments and tests without penalty. Teachers will provide reasonable deadlines for submission.

  • Work missed due to unexcused absences may receive partial or no credit, depending on the teacher’s discretion.

10. Truancy

  • Truancy is defined as repeated unexcused absences. Persistent truancy may result in disciplinary action and referral to local authorities or truancy officers.

11. Communication and Support

  • The school will provide regular attendance updates to parents/guardians through progress reports and notifications.

  • Counseling services will be available for students struggling with attendance issues due to personal or family challenges.

12. Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed annually by the school administration and updates will be made as necessary to align with state regulations and community needs.

13. Contact Information

For questions regarding this attendance policy, please contact the school office at [Your Company Number] or email [Your Company Email].


By signing below, parents/guardians and students acknowledge their understanding and agreement to comply with the terms of this attendance policy.

Parent/Guardian Name: Maria Turner


Student Name: John Turner


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