Free School Bullying Policy Template



Free School Bullying Policy Template

School Bullying Policy

Prepared By: [Your Company Name]


This policy aims to provide a safe, supportive, and respectful environment for all students and staff, free from bullying, harassment, and intimidation. The school is committed to fostering a culture of respect and inclusion, ensuring that every student can learn and thrive without fear.


This policy applies to all students, staff, parents, and volunteers in the school community. It covers bullying that occurs:

  • On school premises.

  • During school-sponsored activities or events.

  • Through the use of school technology or other electronic communication devices.

  • Outside school when the behavior negatively impacts the school environment or student welfare.

Definition of Bullying

Bullying is defined as repeated, intentional behavior that causes harm, distress, or fear to another person. It may include, but is not limited to:

  1. Physical Bullying: Hitting, kicking, pushing, or other acts of physical aggression.

  2. Verbal Bullying: Name-calling, insults, threats, or derogatory comments.

  3. Social/Relational Bullying: Spreading rumors, excluding others, or damaging someone’s social reputation.

  4. Cyberbullying: Using digital platforms to send hurtful messages, spread rumors, or share harmful content.


  1. School Leadership:

    • Ensure the implementation and enforcement of the anti-bullying policy.

    • Provide staff training on identifying, addressing, and preventing bullying.

    • Monitor and review the effectiveness of the policy annually.

  2. Staff:

    • Create a positive, inclusive classroom environment.

    • Intervene promptly and effectively in bullying incidents.

    • Report bullying to the designated staff member or administrator.

  3. Students:

    • Treat peers and staff with respect and kindness.

    • Report bullying to a trusted adult or through the school's system.

    • Support peers who may be experiencing bullying.

  4. Parents/Guardians:

    • Encourage respectful behavior at home.

    • Report concerns of bullying to the school promptly.

    • Cooperate with the school in addressing and resolving bullying incidents.

Prevention Strategies

  • Conduct regular workshops and activities on empathy, respect, and diversity.

  • Implement a peer mentoring or buddy system to support vulnerable students.

  • Use clear and consistent classroom rules about acceptable behavior.

Reporting Procedures

  • Students or parents can report bullying verbally, in writing, or anonymously via the school’s designated reporting system.

  • Staff must document and report all bullying incidents to the principal or counselor within 24 hours.

Investigation and Response

  1. Investigation:

    • The designated staff member will investigate the report promptly and confidentially.

    • Gather statements from all parties involved, including witnesses.

    • Assess the severity and impact of the incident.

  2. Response:

    • For minor incidents: Use restorative practices, mediation, or behavior contracts.

    • For severe or repeated incidents, Implement disciplinary actions such as detention, suspension, or expulsion according to the school’s code of conduct.

    • Provide support services to the victim, such as counseling or peer support.


All reports of bullying will be handled with strict confidentiality to protect the privacy of all individuals involved.

Monitoring and Review

The school will regularly review bullying data, feedback from the school community, and the effectiveness of the policy to ensure it meets the needs of the school environment.

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