Free School Behavior Policy Template



Free School Behavior Policy Template

School Behavior Policy


The purpose of this policy is to establish a safe, respectful, and conducive learning environment for all students. The school believes that high standards of behavior and discipline support academic success, personal growth, and positive relationships within the school community.

Principles of Behavior:

  • All students have the right to learn in an environment free from disruption.

  • All students are expected to treat others with respect, kindness, and understanding.

  • School staff are committed to guiding students to take responsibility for their actions.

Expected Behaviors:

  • Respect: Students should show respect for themselves, others, and property. This includes treating peers, staff, and the school environment with dignity.

  • Responsibility: Students should complete all assignments on time, be punctual, and take ownership of their learning.

  • Safety: Students are expected to make choices that ensure their safety and the safety of others. This includes following instructions for emergencies and respecting personal space.

  • Collaboration: Students should work collaboratively with peers and staff to achieve success and foster a supportive learning environment.

Unacceptable Behaviors:

The following behaviors are considered unacceptable and may result in disciplinary action:

  • Bullying or harassment (physical, verbal, emotional)

  • Disrespectful language or behavior

  • Disruptive classroom conduct

  • Vandalism or damage to school property

  • Fighting or physical aggression

  • Theft

  • Truancy or chronic tardiness

  • Substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, tobacco)

  • Any behavior that disrupts the educational process or puts others at risk

Consequences for Misbehavior:

  1. Verbal Warning: A reminder of expected behavior.

  2. Reflection Time: A student may be asked to take a time-out or spend time reflecting on their actions.

  3. Parent Contact: The student’s behavior may be discussed with parents or guardians.

  4. Detention: The student may be assigned detention to reflect on their behavior.

  5. Suspension: Depending on the severity of the misbehavior, the student may be suspended for a specified time.

  6. Expulsion: In extreme cases, students may be expelled from school if their behavior is deemed dangerous or disruptive to the school community.

Positive Behavior Reinforcement:

To encourage and reinforce positive behavior, students will be recognized for:

  • Good Citizenship: Demonstrating responsible, respectful, and safe behaviors.

  • Academic Effort: Completing work to the best of their ability.

  • Helping Others: Being kind and offering support to peers.

Rewards for positive behavior may include:

  • Verbal praise and recognition

  • Certificates or awards

  • Special privileges (extra recess, field trips, etc.)

Student Support and Intervention:

The school is committed to providing support for students who struggle with behavior. Support services may include:

  • Counseling services

  • Peer mentoring

  • Behavior intervention plans

  • Academic support programs

Parent and Community Involvement:

Parents and guardians are essential partners in reinforcing appropriate behavior and supporting the school’s behavior expectations. The school encourages open communication between home and school to ensure students’ success.

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