Free School Governance Policy Template
School Governance Policy
1. Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this policy is to define the governance structure and responsibilities of individuals and bodies involved in the administration of the school. This policy applies to the Board of Governors, the school leadership team, and all school stakeholders.
2. Governance Structure
Board of Governors:
The Board of Governors is the primary governing body of the school, responsible for overseeing the strategic direction, financial stability, and overall governance of the school.
Composition: The Board will consist of a mix of elected members, including parents, teachers, staff, and external professionals. The Chair and Vice-Chair will be appointed annually by the Board.
Roles and Responsibilities: The Board of Governors will:
Approve the school’s vision, mission, and strategic goals.
Approve budgets, financial reports, and policies.
Ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
Oversee the performance of the school leadership team.
Support the school’s communication and relationship with stakeholders.
School Leadership Team:
The leadership team, including the Principal and other senior leaders, is responsible for the day-to-day management and operation of the school.
Roles and Responsibilities: The leadership team will:
Implement the strategic goals set by the Board of Governors.
Develop and execute annual action plans and budgets.
Ensure the welfare and development of students and staff.
Report regularly to the Board on school performance, achievements, and challenges.
3. Decision-Making
Board Decision-Making: Major decisions, including approval of budgets, curriculum changes, staff appointments, and policies, will be made through a majority vote of the Board members.
Leadership Team Decision-Making: Decisions related to daily operations, staff management, and student welfare will be made by the school leadership team, with input from teachers, staff, and parents where necessary.
4. Accountability and Transparency
The school will ensure transparency in all governance processes, including the publication of meeting minutes, financial reports, and key decisions.
Performance Monitoring: The Board will regularly monitor the performance of the school, including academic results, financial health, and staff satisfaction, and take corrective actions as necessary.
5. Roles and Responsibilities
Chair of the Board: The Chair is responsible for leading meetings, representing the Board in external matters, and ensuring that governance is carried out effectively.
Governors: Governors are responsible for attending meetings, participating in discussions, and making decisions in the best interests of the school.
Principal: The Principal is the chief executive officer of the school, responsible for its day-to-day management and implementing the Board’s directives.
Teachers and Staff: Teachers and staff are responsible for delivering quality education, ensuring student welfare, and supporting the school’s policies and values.
6. Meetings and Frequency
Board Meetings: The Board of Governors will meet at least four times a year, with additional meetings called when necessary.
Leadership Team Meetings: The leadership team will meet weekly to discuss operational matters and strategic priorities.
7. Conflict of Interest
Governors, the Principal, and staff members must declare any potential conflicts of interest in writing before each meeting. Any individual with a conflict of interest related to a decision will be excluded from participating in the discussion or vote.
8. Policy Review
The governance policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it aligns with the changing needs of the school, legal requirements, and best governance practices. Revisions will be made as necessary.
9. Communication with Stakeholders
The school will maintain open lines of communication with parents, students, staff, and the wider community. Regular newsletters, surveys, and feedback mechanisms will be used to ensure that stakeholders’ voices are heard and considered in decision-making.
10. Dispute Resolution
In the event of a dispute between any parties within the governance structure, the Board of Governors will seek resolution through open dialogue, mediation, or external arbitration if necessary.