Free Affidavit of Transfer Without Consideration Template



Free Affidavit of Transfer Without Consideration Template

Affidavit of Transfer Without Consideration

I, [Your Name], of legal age, residing at [Your Address], herein referred to as the "Affiant," being duly sworn, hereby depose and state on my oath as follows:

1. I am the lawful owner of the property described below, and I have the full power to transfer said property.

2. The property subject to this affidavit is described as follows:

[Provide Detailed Description of the Property, including any specific identifiers such as serial numbers, property location, etc.]

3. I hereby transfer all rights, title, and interest in the aforementioned property to Allene Tillman, residing at Reno, NV 89501, herein referred to as the "Recipient." The transfer of said property is hereby made without any form of consideration, financial or otherwise.

4. This transfer is made out of my own volition and is intended as a gift to the Recipient. I confirm that there are no encumbrances, liens, or claims against the property, and I warrant that the property is free from any burdens.

5. I acknowledge and affirm that this transfer is genuine and not intended to defraud any creditor or third party, nor to violate any law or regulation.

6. I agree to execute any further documents necessary to complete the conveyance and transfer of ownership to the Recipient, if so required by law.

7. I hereby affirm that this affidavit is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and understanding.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this February 9, 2064.


[Your Name]

Trace Durgan

Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, this February 9, 2064.

Notary Public

My Commission Expires: March 9, 2065


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