Free Youth Club Meeting Minute Template



Free Youth Club Meeting Minute Template

Youth Club Meeting Minute

Meeting Details




March 2, 2050


4:00 PM


Community Center Room 3


Sarah Mitchell


[Your Name]


  • Sarah Mitchell

  • [Your Name]

  • Olivia Harris

  • Liam Brown

  • Emma Clark

Apologies for Absence

  • Noah Walker

  • Ava Johnson

Agenda Items Discussed

1. Opening and Welcome

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Sarah Mitchell at 4:00 PM. She welcomed all attendees and acknowledged the apologies received from Noah Walker and Ava Johnson.

2. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the last meeting on February 15, 2050, were reviewed. No amendments were made, and they were approved by all members present.

3. Upcoming Youth Club Activities

  • Event Planning: The group discussed plans for a winter-themed event to be held on March 20, 2050. Sarah Mitchell proposed a movie night and hot cocoa stand, which was met with unanimous approval.

  • Responsibilities: The following members were assigned roles:

    • Olivia Harris – Event Coordinator

    • Liam Brown – Decoration Manager

    • Emma Clark – Volunteer Coordinator

4. Club Finances

  • Current Status: James Turner presented the current financial status, with a balance of $350 in the youth club account.

  • Fundraising Ideas: Liam Brown proposed a fundraising raffle at the winter event. Emma Clark suggested selling homemade crafts, which could also involve local youth. Both ideas were approved to be implemented.

5. Youth Club Membership

  • New Members: The club welcomed 10 new members last month, bringing the total membership to 50.

  • Membership Drive: A discussion was held regarding a membership drive. It was agreed that the drive would take place during the last week of March, with Sarah Mitchell in charge of promotional efforts.

6. Any Other Business (AOB)

  • Olivia Harris raised the issue of organizing weekly art workshops, which was positively received. A team will be formed in the next meeting to explore the idea further.

  • Sarah Mitchell reminded everyone of the upcoming safety review in April and encouraged all members to participate.

Actions and Responsibilities

Action Item

Responsible Person

Due Date

Organize winter event on March 20, 2050

Olivia Harris

March 10, 2050

Set up fundraising raffle and craft sale

Liam Brown & Emma Clark

March 20, 2050

Plan and promote a membership drive

Sarah Mitchell

March 30, 2050

Organize team for art workshops

Olivia Harris

April 5, 2050

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for April 1, 2050, at 4:00 PM, at the Community Center Room 3.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 PM.

Minutes Prepared by: [Your Name]
Date: March 2, 2050

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