Free Language Club Meeting Minute Template



Free Language Club Meeting Minute Template

Language Club Meeting Minute

Date: June 2, 2050
Time: 5:00 PM
Location: Room 101, Community Center

1. Attendees




Dayton Rohan



[Your Name]



John Casper



Elisa West



Agustin Jerde



Note: Elisa West was absent from the meeting.

2. Agenda Items Discussed

Introduction and Welcome

The meeting commenced with a welcome from the president, Dayton Rohan. A new member, Agustin Jerde, was introduced to the club, and members were encouraged to participate actively in upcoming events.

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the previous meeting, held on May 15, 2050, were reviewed. No corrections were suggested.

Upcoming Language Learning Events

The club discussed organizing a language learning workshop on July 5, 2050. [Your Name] will be coordinating the event. Topics to be covered include basic conversational skills and cultural insights.

Language Exchange Program

A proposal was made to initiate a language exchange program with a local school. The club discussed the benefits of such a program in fostering language practice in a real-world context. Dayton Rohan will reach out to the school administration to inquire about potential collaboration.

Club Social Event

A social event was proposed for the month of August 2050. John Casper suggested a potluck dinner to celebrate the club's achievements. Members agreed to finalize the details by the next meeting.

3. Decision


Responsible Member


Organize a language learning workshop on July 5, 2050

[Your Name]

July 1, 2050

Reach out to local schools for a language exchange program

Dayton Rohan

June 10, 2050

Plan a potluck dinner for August 2050

John Casper

July 15, 2050

4. Action Items

Language Workshop

[Your Name] will start organizing the workshop, including booking a venue, preparing presentation materials, and confirming guest speakers.

Language Exchange Program

Dayton Rohan will contact the local school to discuss potential collaboration for the language exchange program.

Social Event Planning

John Casper will prepare a list of potential venues for the potluck dinner and coordinate with members for contributions.

5. Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on June 16, 2050, at 5:00 PM in Room 101, Community Center.

6. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM, with a reminder for all members to complete their action items before the next meeting.

Minutes Prepared By:

[Your Name]
June 2, 2050

Note: Please inform the secretary if any corrections are needed to these minutes before the next meeting.

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