Free Simple Restaurant Task Assignment Meeting Minute Template



Free Simple Restaurant Task Assignment Meeting Minute Template

Simple Restaurant Task Assignment Meeting Minutes

1. Meeting Information


January 10, 2075


10:00 AM


[Your Company Name] - Conference Room


[Your Name] (Manager), John Doe (Chef), Sarah Smith (Waitstaff Supervisor), Michael Brown (Cleaning Staff Coordinator), Emma White (Inventory Manager)

2. Agenda

1. Review of restaurant tasks for the upcoming period

2. Assignment of responsibilities

3. Deadlines and expectations

4. Any additional concerns or feedback

3. Review of Restaurant Tasks


Assigned To



Task 1: Menu Update and Seasonal Specials

John Doe (Chef)

January 20, 2075

Update the menu with seasonal dishes and ensure all staff is briefed on new specials.

Task 2: Staff Scheduling for Peak Hours

Sarah Smith (Waitstaff Supervisor)

January 15, 2075

Create an optimized schedule for peak dining hours (Friday-Sunday).

Task 3: Cleaning and Maintenance Checklist Review

Michael Brown (Cleaning Staff Coordinator)

January 12, 2075

Review the checklist and ensure all areas are deep cleaned before the weekend rush.

Task 4: Inventory Restock

Emma White (Inventory Manager)

January 13, 2075

Ensure the inventory is updated and all necessary items are restocked for the next two weeks.

Task 5: Staff Training on New POS System

[Your Name] (Manager)

January 25, 2075

Train all waitstaff on the new POS system. Schedule training sessions and prepare materials.

Task 6: Customer Feedback Analysis

Sarah Smith (Waitstaff Supervisor)

January 18, 2075

Analyze customer feedback from the past month and prepare a report with suggestions for improvement.

4. Deadlines and Expectations

Summary of deadlines:

Task 1: January 20, 2075, Task 2: January 15, 2075, Task 3: January 12, 2075, Task 4: January 13, 2075, Task 5: January 25, 2075, Task 6: January 18, 2075


All team members are expected to meet deadlines and provide updates during weekly check-ins.

Collaboration is encouraged for seamless task completion, particularly for cross-functional tasks like staff training.

5. Additional Concerns or Feedback

John Doe requested additional kitchen equipment to handle the increased volume of orders. This will be reviewed in the next budget meeting.

Sarah Smith mentioned the need for additional training for new waitstaff. This will be addressed after the POS training session.

| Next Meeting: | January 17, 2075, at 10:00 AM | | Meeting Adjourned: | 11:15 AM |

For any inquiries, please contact:

[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]
[Your Email]

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