Free Bill of Lading for Import Template
Bill of Lading for Import
Shipper Information
Shipper's Company Name: [Your Company Name]
Shipper's Email: [Your Company Email]
Shipper's Phone Number: [Your Company Number]
Shipper's Address: [Your Company Address]
Consignee Information
Consignee's Company Name: BeansBee
Consignee's Email: inquire@beansbee.mail
Consignee's Phone Number: 222 555 7777
Consignee's Address: Nashville, TN 37201
Cargo Description
Product Name: Organic Coffee Beans
Quantity: 500 bags
Weight: 1,000 kg
Dimensions: 50 cm x 30 cm x 40 cm per bag
Value: $20,000
Packaging Type: Burlap Sacks
Shipping Details
Mode of Transport: Ocean Freight
Origin Port: Port of Miami, FL
Destination Port: Port of Nashville, TN
Departure Date: March 15, 2050
Arrival Date: March 30, 2050
Vessel Name: SS Atlas
Bill of Lading Number: BL-2050-998877
Charges and Payment
Description |
Amount |
Freight Charges |
$2,000 |
Customs Duty |
$500 |
Insurance Charges |
$150 |
Handling Charges |
$100 |
Total Charges |
$2,750 |
Special Instructions
Ensure the goods are delivered to BeansBee, located at Nashville, TN 37201.
Delivery is to be made under the conditions set forth by [Your Company Name].
Any discrepancies regarding the shipment should be directed to [Your Company Name] at [Your Company Email].
Signatory Section
Date: March 15, 2050
Date: March 16, 2050