Free Bill of Lading for International Shipping Template
Bill of Lading for International Shipping
Shipper Details
Shipper Name: [Your Company Name]
Shipper Address: [Your Company Address]
Shipper Email: [Your Company Email]
Shipper Phone Number: [Your Company Number]
Consignee Details
Consignee Name: CastleBrand
Consignee Email: inquire@castlebrand.mail
Consignee Address: Charlotte, NC 28202
Consignee Phone Number: 222 555 7777
Shipment Information
Mode of Transportation: Air
Date of Shipment: January 8, 2050
Expected Date of Arrival: January 15, 2050
Cargo Description: Electronics (LCD Screens)
Number of Packages: 25
Weight: 1,200 kg
Value of Shipment: $30,000 USD
Billing Details
Description |
Amount |
Currency |
Freight Charges |
$2,500 |
Insurance |
$200 |
Customs Duties |
$350 |
Total |
$3,050 |
Special Instructions
Handle with care, fragile items.
Ensure all customs documentation is completed accurately.
Signatory Section
Name: [Your Name]
Title: Shipper Representative
Date: January 8, 2050
Name: Barry Morar
Title: Consignee Representative
Date: January 8, 2050