Free Teacher Evaluation Checklist Template

Teacher Evaluation Checklist

1. Teaching Methods and Delivery


Completed (✓)

The teacher uses a variety of teaching methods to cater to different learning styles.

Instruction is clear, engaging, and well-organized.

The teacher uses effective questioning techniques to encourage student participation.

Learning objectives are communicated clearly at the beginning of each lesson.

2. Classroom Management


Completed (✓)

The teacher maintains a positive and productive classroom environment.

Classroom rules are established and enforced consistently.

The teacher handles disruptions professionally and calmlyThe teacherThe teacher.

Students are engaged and on task during class activities.

3. Student Engagement and Interaction


Completed (✓)

The teacher fosters an inclusive and supportive classroom atmosphere.

The teacher encourages active student participation in discussions and activities.

The teacher provides constructive feedback to students promptly.

The teacher builds rapport with students and shows interest in their success.

4. Assessment and Feedback


Completed (✓)

The teacher uses a variety of assessment methods to evaluate student progress.

Assessments are aligned with lesson objectives and learning outcomes.

The teacher provides timely, constructive, and actionable feedback on assignments and tests.

Student progress is monitored regularly and adjustments are made based on assessment results.

5. Professionalism and Collaboration


Completed (✓)

The teacher maintains professionalism in communication with students, parents, and colleagues.

The teacher actively participates in school meetings and professional development opportunities.

The teacher collaborates with other staff members to enhance student learning.

The teacher demonstrates a commitment to their professional growth.

6. Overall Effectiveness


Completed (✓)

The teacher creates a positive and supportive learning environment.

Teacher achieves learning outcomes as per the curriculum standards.

Students demonstrate progress in both academic and behavioral areas.

The teacher effectively adapts lessons and teaching methods as needed.

Overall Teacher Evaluation:

  • Exceeds Expectations

  • Meets Expectations

  • Below Expectations

  • Needs Improvement

Additional Comments:
[Insert any additional feedback, observations, or suggestions for improvement.]

Evaluator Name: [Your Name]
[Date Signed]

Teacher Name: [Teacher Name]
[Date Signed]

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