Free Sample Attendance Policy Template



Free Sample Attendance Policy Template

Sample Attendance Policy

Effective Date: January 10, 2050

I. Overview

The purpose of this attendance policy is to ensure the smooth operation of [Your Company Name] by providing clear expectations and procedures for employee attendance. Employees are expected to report to work on time, follow absence reporting protocols, and be accountable for maintaining a consistent and reliable attendance record.

Importance of Attendance

Regular and punctual attendance is critical to the success of our organization. Employees' presence ensures that work is completed efficiently and that team collaboration is unhindered. Inconsistent attendance may disrupt workflow and affect team performance.

II. Attendance Expectations

Employees are expected to be present and on time during their scheduled shifts. This policy covers all forms of attendance, including work hours, tardiness, and absences.

Work Hours

The official work hours of [Your Company Name] are as follows:

  • Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

  • Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Employees are expected to adhere to these hours unless prior approval for deviation has been granted.


Employees must arrive at their designated work area promptly and be ready to begin work at the scheduled time. Repeated tardiness, regardless of the cause, will be addressed in accordance with the disciplinary procedure outlined in this policy.

III. Absence Reporting

To ensure proper management of absenteeism, all employees must adhere to the absence reporting process.

Reporting Absences

  • Email: Absence notification should be sent to [Your Company Email], with the subject: "Absence Notification - Johann Harvey."

  • Phone: Employees should call [Your Company Number] as soon as possible, but at least one hour prior to the start of the scheduled shift.

Medical Absences

If an employee needs to be absent for medical reasons, a doctor’s note may be required, especially for absences exceeding three consecutive days. This ensures that the company remains aware of any health-related issues and can make necessary accommodations if required.

IV. Consequences of Non-Compliance

Failure to adhere to the attendance expectations may result in disciplinary actions.

Progressive Disciplinary Steps

In cases of repeated attendance violations, the following actions will be taken:


Action Taken

1st Offense

Verbal warning

2nd Offense

Written warning

3rd Offense

Final written warning or suspension

4th Offense

Termination of employment

Employees who fail to meet the attendance requirements may face additional consequences, including termination, depending on the severity of the issue.

V. Special Leave Considerations

Vacation and Personal Leave

Employees are entitled to paid vacation and personal days as specified in their employment contract with [Your Company Name]. All leave requests must be submitted at least two weeks in advance.

Bereavement Leave

In the event of a death in the family, employees are entitled to paid bereavement leave. The duration of the leave will be determined based on the employee’s relationship to the deceased, as well as company policy.

Medical Leave

Employees may take medical leave for personal health reasons. Requests for medical leave should be accompanied by a medical certificate. Extended medical leave may require the employee to submit periodic updates or an assessment of their ability to return to work.

VI. Conclusion

Consistent attendance is vital for the productivity and success of [Your Company Name]. By adhering to the expectations outlined in this policy, employees contribute to a positive and efficient work environment. Should any questions or concerns arise regarding attendance, employees are encouraged to contact [Your Name] at [Your Email]. We are committed to supporting all employees while maintaining the highest standards of operational efficiency.

If you need further clarification or have any concerns, please contact us at [Your Company Email] or [Your Company Number].

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