Free Attendance and Punctuality Policy Template



Free Attendance and Punctuality Policy Template

Attendance and Punctuality Policy

Effective Date: January 10, 2050

I. Purpose of the Policy

The purpose of this Attendance and Punctuality Policy is to ensure that employees of [Your Company Name] maintain regular attendance and adhere to the company's standards for punctuality. Consistent attendance is critical to the effective operation of the business, ensuring that all departments function smoothly and that work is completed on time. This policy outlines expectations for attendance, punctuality, and consequences for non-compliance.

II. Scope of the Policy

This policy applies to all employees of [Your Company Name] who are subject to the organization's working hours and attendance requirements. This includes full-time, part-time, and temporary staff. Employees are expected to adhere to the attendance guidelines regardless of their job role or department.

III. Attendance Expectations

Employees are expected to arrive at work on time and be present for their full scheduled shifts. The company recognizes that there may be occasional situations where an employee cannot attend work as scheduled. In these cases, employees are required to follow the reporting and notification procedure as outlined below.


  • An employee must inform their direct supervisor or manager of any absence as soon as possible, ideally no less than 2 hours before the start of their shift.

  • Absences must be reported by phone or email. The preferred communication method is via [Your Email].

Type of Absence

Required Documentation

Notification Timeframe

Sick Leave

Medical Certificate

At least 2 hours prior to shift

Personal Leave

Approved Leave Form

At least 3 days prior to leave

Unscheduled Absence

Explanation Required

As soon as possible, ideally within the same day


Employees must report to work by their designated start time. Employees who are consistently late will face disciplinary action.

IV. Procedure for Reporting Absences and Tardiness

Employees must follow the proper procedures for reporting any absence or tardiness. Non-compliance with this procedure will lead to further review and possible disciplinary action.

Notification Process

  • Absence or tardiness must be communicated to the employee's direct supervisor or manager.

  • Contact Information for Reporting:

    • Supervisor: [Your Name]

    • Phone: [Your Company Number]

    • Email: [Your Email]

V. Consequences of Excessive Absenteeism or Tardiness

Excessive absenteeism or tardiness may result in disciplinary actions, including but not limited to verbal warnings, written warnings, and termination of employment. The following is the action protocol for various types of attendance violations:

Violation Type

First Offense

Second Offense

Third Offense

Unexcused Absence

Verbal Warning

Written Warning


Tardiness (3+ times in a month)

Verbal Warning

Written Warning


Failure to Report Absence

Written Warning

Final Written Warning


VI. Special Circumstances

In certain cases, [Your Company Name] recognizes that there may be special circumstances that could affect an employee's ability to attend work or be punctual. These circumstances include but are not limited to medical emergencies, family emergencies, and transportation issues.

Extended Absence

For extended leaves due to illness or personal reasons, employees must submit documentation, such as a doctor's note or a personal request form, to their supervisor. The company will work with the employee to determine the appropriate course of action, including possible leave or a flexible schedule.

VII. Expectations for Remote Work

For employees who work remotely, the attendance and punctuality policy applies similarly. Employees are expected to log in at their designated start time and be available for communication as needed during working hours.

Remote Work Guidelines

  • Remote employees must notify their supervisor if they are unable to work on any given day or during part of their scheduled shift.

  • The same procedures for absence and tardiness apply, including reporting via [Your Email].

VIII. Policy Acknowledgment

By signing below, employees acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to comply with the terms of the Attendance and Punctuality Policy.

Employee Name: Drake Feeney
Date: January 10, 2050

For any questions regarding this policy, please contact [Your Name] at [Your Email] or visit our headquarters at [Your Company Address].

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