Free Customizable Attendance Policy Layout Template
Customizable Attendance Policy Layout
[Your Company Name] Attendance Policy
1. Introduction
At [Your Company Name], we value punctuality and reliability as key components of our workplace culture. This attendance policy outlines the expectations regarding employee attendance, tardiness, and absence procedures. By adhering to these guidelines, we can maintain a productive and efficient work environment.
2. Purpose of the Policy
The purpose of this policy is to:
Ensure a consistent approach to managing attendance.
Promote accountability and responsibility among employees.
Provide a clear process for reporting absences and tardiness.
3. Scope
This policy applies to all employees of [Your Company Name].
4. Work Hours
Standard Working Hours: [Insert standard working hours] (e.g., 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday).
Breaks: Employees are entitled to [Insert break duration] (e.g., a 30-minute lunch break) during their shifts.
Flexible Hours: [If applicable, describe any flexibility in work hours].
5. Attendance Expectations
Employees are expected to arrive at work on time and remain at work for their scheduled shift.
If an employee is going to be late or absent, they must notify their supervisor as soon as possible, ideally [Insert required notice period] (e.g., at least one hour before their shift starts).
Regular attendance is crucial for [Your Company Name]'s operational success.
6. Reporting Absences
Employees must report absences by contacting [Supervisor Name] at [Supervisor's Contact Information] or [Your Company Email].
For medical or personal leave, employees may be required to provide documentation, such as a doctor's note.
Any unreported absence or tardiness may be subject to disciplinary action.
7. Tardiness
Employees who arrive later than [Insert time] (e.g., 15 minutes) without notifying their supervisor will be considered tardy.
Repeated tardiness may result in corrective action, including but not limited to verbal or written warnings.
8. Absences
Employees who are unable to attend work due to illness, emergencies, or personal reasons should notify their supervisor as soon as possible.
A pattern of excessive absences without proper justification may lead to disciplinary action.
9. Vacation and Time-Off Requests
All vacation and time-off requests must be submitted [Insert notice period] (e.g., at least two weeks in advance).
Requests should be submitted to [Your Name] at [Your Email], who will coordinate approval and scheduling.
10. Consequences of Violating Attendance Policies
Failure to adhere to the attendance policy may result in:
Verbal and written warnings.
Suspension or unpaid leave.
Termination of employment in cases of repeated violations.
11. Contact Information
For any questions or concerns regarding the attendance policy, please contact [Your Name] at [Your Email] or reach out to [Your Company Name] at [Your Company Number].
12. Acknowledgment of Receipt
By signing below, the employee acknowledges receipt and understanding of [Your Company Name]'s Attendance Policy.
Employee Signature: _________________________
Date: _________________________
Company Signature: _________________________
Date: _________________________