Free Fitness Client Intake Form Template
Fitness Client Intake Form
Complete this form to help us understand your fitness goals.
Date of Birth
Contact Number
What are your primary fitness goals?
Weight Loss
Muscle Gain
General Fitness
Strength Training
Rehabilitation & Injury Prevention
Preferred Workout Type(s)
Personal Training
Group Classes
Cardio Workouts
Strength Training
Preferred Workout Frequency
1-2 Times a Week
3-4 Times a Week
5+ Times a Week
Please list any medical conditions or injuries you have:
Do you have any restrictions or limitations on physical activity?
How would you describe your current activity level?
Do you have any prior fitness experience?
Do you have any special requests or fitness preferences?
Liability Waiver & Agreement
I acknowledge that I have voluntarily chosen to participate in physical training and exercise activities.
I understand that participation in fitness programs involves risks of injury, and I assume full responsibility for my participation.
I release the company and its trainers from any liability related to injuries or health issues arising from my participation.
Thank you for your submission!
We appreciate you taking the time to submit.
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