Do you have a prospective client that you need to deny an account to because of poor credit rating or any other reason? If so, you may benefit from our Individual Charge Account Denial Template. Let them down gently with the use of our well-made and highly customizable product. We guarantee excellence and immense satisfaction, so it is definitely in your best interest to secure this template as an instant download. You are given the freedom to customize this as you see fit before printing it or sending by email, so do yourself a favor and download this template today!
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We regret to notify you that we were not able to open an individual charge account for you at the moment because of the data we have obtained from the accompanying consumer reporting agency: [NAME].
We wish to prompt you that you have the right under applicable governmental laws and regulations to secure a duplicate of the full disclosure of the nature and contents of all data regarding you that is contained in the records of the consumer credit reporting agency, except for the medical information, upon the presentment of appropriate proof of identification.
Despite the fact that we were not able to offer you credit terms, we will be much pleased to welcome you as a client. We are expecting that we will have the capacity to open an individual charge account for you sometime in the future. We are much obliged for presenting and submitting your application to us.