A cover letter designed for those applying for a network engineer position. Download this template for free and get to craft an effective letter that goes along with your resume. Easy to edit and printable.
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Network Engineer Resume Cover Letter
Dear Mr. Robert,
I am very interested in the advertisement you posted in the job portal for the position of Network Engineer at your company Digitex Technologies Pvt. Ltd. I am a Network Engineer with an Information Technology degree from the Clifford Institute of Engineering and Sciences.
Currently, I am working as a Senior Engineer at Jensen Pvt. Ltd. The experience I have gained in my current post has led me to believe that I could be a great addition to your team and I would love to work with you and your team.
Along with this letter is a copy of my resume for you to review. Thank you for this opportunity, and for considering my application. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me on any of the following:
Phone number - 22 55 77
Email id - saintwest@mail.com
Saint West
Senior Engineer, Jensen Pvt. Ltd