Download this premium Letter of Request for an Equity Investment Template to notify a company that you wish to buy and hold shares of their stock. This file is ready-made and easy to use in all the file formats available. This is composed by our professional team of business writers to help you get the job done with little to no hassle at all. Simply replace or add the necessary texts to the template and you’re good for printing. The file can also be customized to better suit your business needs. What are you waiting for? Download today!
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[YOUR COMPANY NAME] is a corporation duly organized and existing in compliance with the laws of [STATE]. Our company is a firm of a known and irrefutable reputation for quality, integrity and managerial expertise in the field of [TYPE OF BUSINESS]. The Company has been existing for [NUMBER] years and the average annual sales have been continuously growing since its inception.
Besides this, the Company is extending its doors to investors like you to be part of the industry’s growing demand for solutions. The funds that the Company would raise due to this initiative shall be used to fund the [DETAIL].
Further details about this initiative are attached as a document in this letter.
We will love to discuss with you the details of this proposal. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this offer, you can call me at [YOUR PHONE NUMBER].