The execution of new policies in a workplace are usually announced and explained days or weeks prior to implementation. To ensure total understanding and knowledge of such policies, make use of our Employee Acknowledgement of Receiving Procedures template in ensuring that all employees are aware of such policies. Clearly reiterate the policy changes as well as other information about any new procedures that are to be implemented. Additionally, be able to edit the template to include any added information you wish to place. Make the most out of this great opportunity by downloading the file for use on your business.
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This manual is provided to the employee of [RESTAURANT NAME] wherein it will assist the employee to become accustomed to the practices of the company. This guideline will make sure that specific procedures will be followed and specific quality standards will be met by the employee. This manual is intended to assist the employee in performing their job. If there are no corresponding procedure or guideline for a specific task or undertaking, the employee must consult his or her immediate supervisor or manager. If the supervisor or manager cannot answer such an inquiry, then the employee may consult the HR Officer for any enlightenment.
In receiving such procurements made by [RESTAURANT NAME] the following guidelines must be strictly followed, if these procedures are not followed properly, then rising liabilities as consequences for the damage done, will be levied upon the Personnel In-Charge.
As the Personnel In-Charge for the procurements made by [RESTAURANT NAME], I acknowledge that the following procedures are met accordingly:
- That once the goods are delivered to the premises, a physical count will be performed. This is to make sure that the quantity that [SPECIFY YOUR RESTAURANT NAME] made is accurate.
- That the brand, size, form and other physical characteristics of the item/s or good/s delivered must reflect that of the order sheet.
- That once [RESTAURANT NAME] made an order that must be weighed instead of physical count, Personnel-In-Charge must use an accurate weighing scale only. The weight shown on the scale must be compared to what is reflected on the invoice.
- That the quality of the delivered item/s or goods is/are checked carefully. One must make sure that the item doesn’t have any discoloration on its packaging or the item itself. One must also check that the items do not give off unusual odour, and if it’s not in line with the nature of the items ordered and delivered.
- That the prices of the items delivered are the same as the Invoice and the Purchase Order.
- If there are delays in the delivery of goods, personnel-in-charge must check first the stipulated terms and agreements in the Purchase Order and follow what is strictly stipulated therein.
- In case there are irregularities on the items that were delivered, aside from making a note and informing the point person of the other party, one must make supporting documents, such as, attachment notes on the invoice and or adjustments on the itIf there are any inconsistency of the items that were delivered, bring the attention to the point person or the personnel-in-charge of the other party.
- Ems or goods delivered. These supporting documents are needed also to route in the accounting department.
- Every document made, be it the purchase order, invoice, or purchase request form must be signed by the respective supervisor. Notes and any other documents made for adjustments must be forwarded to the accounting department for proper tracking of these documents and proper filing and compilation. These documents form an essential part of the transaction.
- Once all goods are delivered, the items must be segregated from the other items that may be similar in appearance to avoid confusion.
- The items that [RESTAURANT NAME] purchased must be stored in a container that will keep the shelf life of the goods longer.
- The items or goods must be stored in an orderly manner so that it would be easier for the user to locate the items and to avoid confusion.
- The items or goods must be stored in an area wherein it cannot damage certain goods or items. It may be stored in a refrigerator or stored at a room temperature, whichever may seem fit according to the nature of those goods and or items.
- Make sure that the storage area is clean in all aspects.
By putting my signature below, I, [YOUR NAME] do hereby understand my responsibility and the possible consequences that may arise if, in the event that the procedures above are not followed due to my carelessness and or wilful negligence. I do agree that by signing this agreement form, I will shoulder the liabilities that may arise from the damage that may be caused. I will no longer hold [RESTAURANT NAME] liable, for I have faithfully understood my duties and responsibilities in this company for which I am an employee.