If your employee wants to transfer from your company to another, then the Free Employee Transfer Letter From One Company to Another template is going to come in handy. It is a free to download item that you can edit due to its highly customizable nature.
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You have been a valuable asset to the organization for the [NUMBER] of years that you have been employed by us. Your useful insights and invaluable contribution to your department are recognized by management.
As you may be aware, we have recently acquired a new company, [COMPANY NAME] and are currently implementing a strategic restructuring of our workforce. Based on your performance in your department, management has decided to transfer you to [COMPANY NAME] Your transfer will be effective from [EFFECTIVE DATE]. We need a reliable member of our staff such as yourself to spearhead the transition that we will be implementing in accordance with this new business venture.
Your new salary will be $[NUMBER] per month. Kindly see the attached copy of your revised employment contract.
We understand that you will need an adjustment period to settle in your new assignment. We have arranged a meeting with you on to answer your queries regarding this new assignment and discuss your new duties and responsibilities.
We believe this to be an excellent milestone for your career and we appreciate your continuous contribution to the company. Please indicate your acceptance by signing the duplicate copy of this letter to be returned to us.