Reschedule Appointment Letter

Reschedule Appointment Letter in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook

Download this Reschedule Appointment Letter Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

Having to cancel on an appointment is inconvenient, but you don’t have to cancel it entirely; you may simply reschedule using the Free Reschedule Appointment Letter template. Download this for free and see how customizable it is for your individual needs.

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This letter confirms your business appointment with our company representative [NAME] on [DATE 1] at [VENUE]. Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that due to unavoidable conflict of schedules we would like to reschedule the said appointment on another date preferably [DATE 2] at [TIME]. We truly apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. 

 If the presented schedule is suitable for you or if you have other suggestions, please contact us at [YOUR COMPANY PHONE NUMBER] or email us at [YOUR COMPANY EMAIL ID], whichever is convenient. 

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding regarding this matter.




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