If you’re writing an appeal about financial aid, we can help your drafting process with our Free Financial Aid Appeal Letter. Not only does this template feature prewritten content, but it also comes with highlighted guides for convenient writing. Go ahead and download our letter sample for Apple Pages, Google Docs, or Microsoft Word.
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My name is [YOUR NAME], and I am looking forward to attending your prestigious university this coming fall. Thank you for the financial aid package that you have sent me. After being accepted into the university, my family experienced a significant setback regarding our financial situation.
With this, I am requesting the university to review my financial aid award with consideration of these unavoidable circumstances. Your assistance shall be highly appreciated.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything else, I can provide, or if there are questions that need to be answered regarding my appeal. I may be reached by phone at [YOUR PHONE NUMBER] or through email at [YOUR EMAIL ID].