Are you looking for an easy way to propose a job fair? Then check out our Free Job Fair Proposal Letter Template. Its prepared written content will save you the trouble of having to do the proposal write-up from scratch. You can work on this using Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and Apple Pages.
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To Whom It May Concern
Every year since [YEAR], [YOUR COMPANY NAME] has been actively conducting employment-related activities in the [AREA/PLACE] area. We continuously provide opportunities for jobseekers to have easier access to companies with available vacancies, facilitating them through an organized process that we follow through during our job fairs.
This year, we plan to hold as many as [NUMBER] job fairs around and beyond [AREA/PLACE]. This is because there is an actual growing need for employees for the [NUMBER 1] companies we have partnered with this year. These employment opportunities range basically encompasses all levels of employment across the board.
We would like to invite you to be a part of our effort to provide an efficient means for local jobseekers to reach their potential. As such, we are proposing that a job fair be held at your [VENUE] on [DATE 1] at [TIME]. This is considering the space of the venue will be optimal for the number of attendees expected to come over on the day of the event. Attached to this letter is our job fair event proposal for your perusal and review.
In closing, we hope that we are one with this cause. [COMPANY NAME] has always been supportive of the organization's civic activities, ever since we partnered on the [EVENT] beginning on [DATE 2] which has since then become a regular activity held by us. In the spirit of camaraderie, let us once again come together for this good cause.