Free Recreation Worker Job Description

Free Recreation Worker Job Description in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook

Free Download this Recreation Worker Job Description Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

Looking to fill a spot for one of your recreation workers? Increase your chances of hiring a perfect person for the job using this Recreation Worker Job Description template. Hire a person with great organizational skills and has a natural knack of leading individuals into participating in activities while at the same time be able to account for the safety of the entire group. Insert any required training needed as well as experience that is tailored for each specific agency or facility. Be able to gain an additional asset to your facility and increase attendance to your activity packages and tours by downloading this template today!


Job Title

Recreation Worker 

Job Summary and Description

The Recreation Worker is responsible in making a specific group of people such as employees, seniors or other social groups thinks that there is more to life than what they currently have by providing them with appropriate recreational activities such as therapeutic recreation for those people suffering from illnesses, and sports, games, and other social recreations for those young physically active groups taking into account the interests and needs of its individual members.
Recreation Workers are responsible for designing and leading various recreational activities for groups in recreation facilities such as senior citizen centres, volunteer agencies, commercial organizations, and camps. The activities that they are to design may include arts and crafts, sports, camping, dance classes, music, and other adventure programs. Such activities may be held indoors or outdoors depending on the nature of the activity or the recreational facility in which they are to be held.

Duties and Responsibilities

Generally, the duties and Responsibilities of a Recreation Worker revolve around organizing recreational programs that help improve the mental, physical and social well-being of its participants. Aside from creation and organization, Recreational workers are also responsible for crafting rules and regulations to be followed in each activity to ensure the safety of each participant and the attainment of the goal or goals expected to be accomplished in a certain activity. More specifically, a Recreation worker shall perform the following duties and responsibilities:

1. Formulation and Organization of Activities

Organizes activities like sports, games, dramatics, arts and crafts, nature studies and other social activities in accordance with the participants’ capabilities, interests, and needs which is determinable through consultations, interviews, and discussions with the other members of the groups or the participants. After such consultations and interviews, the organizers will then be able to formulate certain group activities that should cater to the needs of the participants.

2. Collaboration

Arrange a meeting with other community organizations, agency personnel and other professionals in the field to plan and develop balanced recreational programs for the participants. The data gathered in the previous paragraph can be used as a guide in this collaboration.

3. Program Implementation

Upon completion of the recreational activities, the Recreation Worker shall then schedule maintenance of the facilities to be used for the activities. Make sure that the location and facilities are safe for the participants, staff and other personnel. It is also his job to make sure that the facilities to be used are booked and scheduled for this purpose.

The Recreation Worker assigns tasks to the training staff members and various duties that they have to perform during the said activity. [HE/SHE] will act as general supervisor and coordinator among all training staff and personnel who play a part in a particular activity.

4. Enforcement of the Rules and Regulations

It is the task of the Recreation Worker to inform the participants and training staff on the rules to be followed while they are in the recreation facility. [HE/SHE] must also lay down the corresponding disciplinary action for a specific violation as not to surprise the would-be violators regarding such consequences. It is [HIS/HER] job to ensure that the Rules and Regulations formulated for the said activity are strictly followed and maintained to ensure safety.

5. First Aid

The Recreation Worker must have basic knowledge of First Aid in order for [HIM/HER] to administer first aid whenever it’s necessary. However, this does not preclude [HIM/HER] from soliciting the presence of a trained First Aid Responder. First Aid kit and personnel must be available at all times beginning from the first day of the recreational activities until its last day.

The training staff and participants must also be informed about the techniques, principles and safety procedures of the materials and equipment by demonstrating how to properly use them to ensure safety for everyone in the facility.

6. General Supervision

The Recreation Worker must regularly survey the recreation program to assess its effectiveness and to evaluate if such activity or program meets the desired result to its participants. The Recreation Worker can make changes to the program upon his own initiative or through a recommendation of the staff’s reasoning that such a program does not produce the intended result.

[HE/SHE] can conduct in-room visits with the participants and conduct evaluations. [HE/SHE] may interview the participants and get their impression about the program whether they are helpful or not to them personally.

7. Reports and Recommendations

The Recreation Worker must make [HIS/HER] evaluations and recommendations on how the activities are going and submit reports thereof to the Management.


Interested Applicants must have a Bachelor’s Degree in recreation therapy or [DETAIL]. Experience in the same field is not necessary but applicants with experience are given priority.

Must have an internship with the US Department of Juvenile Justice.

Had some basic training in recreation therapy, safety practices and procedure, and the likes. Age requirement [NUMBER]. 


The work of a Recreation Worker primarily deals with personal interaction among members of the organization, staff, and participants, hence, it is important that a Recreation Worker must be skilful in providing effective customer service in a courteous and tactful manner. In addition, a Recreation Worker must have the following skills:

1. Leadership skills

This is manifested by being decisive, team player and ability to listen to suggestions from its subordinates and even participants.

2. Communication Skills

[HE/SHE] must be able to express his thoughts and ideas clearly for everyone to understand. [HE/SHE] must be able to establish a friendly working environment and a great working condition by maintaining an open line of communication from his superiors and to his subordinates or those of his teammates and other colleagues.

3. Computer Skills

Must be knowledgeable on basic Computer application such as word processing tools, spreadsheet, and other relevant tools which is necessary for the performance of [HIS/HER] duties.

4. Miscellaneous Skills

The Aspirants to the position must be service-oriented, active listener, excellent time manager, critical thinker, aware of other people’s reaction and knows why they reacted that way, active learner, a good negotiator, knowledgeable on various learning strategies, solver of complex problems, and persuasive.
In addition, the applicant must have basic knowledge of Financial Planning and Management for [HIM/HER] to properly forecast and budget the finances needed for the implementation of the programs formulated. Such budget shall include the materials needed for the implementation of the activity and other expenses that may arise in relation thereof. These expenses must be properly and accurately forecasted in order for delays due to a lack of budget to be avoided.

Equality and Diversity

Management is an advocate for equal opportunity and diversity. Every member of the organization including the holder of this post is required to adhere to the Company’s commitment to upholding the rights of the individuals including the participants, subordinates, training staff, superiors, and other colleagues. Any form of discrimination on account of race, color, ethnicity, financial capacity and other distinction not related to the performance of their function are not tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly. The post-holder shall show its commitment to this organization’s advocacy by:

  • Acting in a way that shows that the importance of the rights of the individual is recognized and that such rights are respected and interpreted in a way consistent with the established procedures and policies not only of the company but also with the existing laws.
  • Behaving and acting in a way that is non-judgmental nor hostile but welcoming and respectful to everyone regardless of the role they play in the organization. Everyone must act in a way not intimidating to the other member of this organization.
  • Showing utmost respect to the privacy, beliefs, dignity, and needs of others.

Personal and Professional Development

The Recreation Worker shall be encouraged not only to develop activities for the growth and professional development of the members of various organizations but also to develop programs and activities which may be able to promote personal and professional growth to himself and also to his colleagues. This is to support the organizational mandate of prioritizing the Personal and Professional growth of every member of the organization. Training programs and other activities are implemented as a company practice for the employees to join in order to enhance and develop their personal and professional skills.


The holder of this position commits to develop and implement high-quality programs in all activities that they are going to implement in accordance with the set guidelines of the organization. In upholding such commitment, the post-holder shall timely alert the team members or the superiors should the issue of quality and risk arise and make contributions to increase the effectiveness of the team’s adherence to the standard of quality that the organization requires. Furthermore, all members of the organization are expected to work effectively with other individuals within or outside of the team and to effectively manage their workload, resources and time to meet the desired goal.

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