A letter of complaint for your landlord regarding issues that involve with the property you are renting. Craft a formal and professional looking letter that effectively conveys your complaint. It is high-quality and printable.
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Complaint Letter to Landlord About Repair
Dear Peter Rolen,
Good day!
I am writing to remind you of the necessary repairs for the damages that are to be done to the unit that I am renting. I have mentioned the damages in the last letter as well, but there was no reply from your side. This is the second time I am asking for your attention to the repairs that need to be done.
Take note that among the repairs to be made are as follows:- The window pane in the study room was broken ever before I took possession of the flat for rent, so that needs to be tended to. There is water leakage from the roof. This is a huge problem when it rains as the water seeps through the roof and into the room I stay in.
Please look into the matter as this is urgent and is causing a lot of trouble for me. Thank you in advance for your consideration and I hope to hear from you soon so that we can finally put this matter to rest.
Rachel Green