Security Guard Cover Letter

Security Guard Cover Letter in Word, Google Docs, PDF

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Security Guard Cover Letter


[Name of Addressee]
[Job Title]
[Name of Company]
[Company Address]

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Dear [Name of Addressee],

As recently advertised by [Name of Company] via [Source of Classified Ad], your company is in need of a security guard. My name is [Name of Applicant] and I am interested in applying for the position.

I am a resourceful and skilled professional with [Period] of experience. I have the ability to convert conflict scenarios and produce positive outcomes through effective communication skills. [Discuss previous experiences].

Attached for your consideration is a copy of my resume. I believe that with my skills and experience, I can be a positive addition to your team. Thus, to help assure you of my skills and credentials, I would like to discuss this opportunity with you through an interview. You may contact me at any time via phone at [Phone Number] or through email at [Email Address].

Thank you for your consideration, I look forward to speaking with you soon.


[Full Name and Signature of Applicant]

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