Your Security Receptionist Resume is not enough to solidify your chances of earning a Security Receptionist job position. What you need to pair your resume with is our Security Receptionist Cover Letter Template. Explaining how and what makes you competent for a Security Receptionist job position in an enticing manner is no longer something you should worry about as this template was professionally-written. All you have to do is to apply some slight revisions for it to be more in-line with your career and background. With knowledge about the general Security Receptionist Job Description, your resume, and of course, your cover letter, your chances of nabbing that Security Receptionist job position significantly improves.
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[January 12, 2050]
[Joseph C. Marr]
[Human Development Manager]
[Nine Circles Inc.]
[1531 Marie Street]
[Cockeysville, MD 21030]
Dear [Mr. Marr,]
Courteous greetings to you and your company, the [Nine Circles Inc.] My name is [Brian T. Holbro] from [Salt Lake City, Utah.] I wrote and addressed this letter to you as a formal response to your company's Security Receptionist job opening. With my experience as a Security Receptionist for four years, I am firm that I hit the specifications, checklist, and qualifications to be a fitting individual in fulfilling the duties as the new Security Receptionist in your great company.
I started my professional career as a Security Receptionist in [Daly Seven Inc.] As a rookie at the premises of that company, I was able to successfully detect suspicious activities that could have potentially lead to major red alert situations. Other than that, I also effectively accomplished every usual task of a Security Receptionist, such as monitoring and recording every individual and package entering the premises. After two years in [Daly Seven Inc.], I lend my services to two other companies, respectively, where I did more or less the same tasks but in a different and more hectic environment.
I am more than willing to be scheduled for an interview at your most convenient time. This letter and my resume provide my contact number and email address. Thank you for investing your precious time reading this letter. I hope to hear from your company soon.
[Brian T. Holbro]