[March 2, 2083]
[Shirley Salinas]
[Human Development Manager]
[4234, Heavner Court]
[Garden City, NY, 11530]
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Dear [Ms. Salinas],
Upon learning of your posting on [Google for Jobs] for the open Academic Program Director position in your academic institution, [Whale Coast School of Fine Arts], I felt the eagerness to write this letter in response to your advertisement. As a visionary and accomplished Academic Program Director with over [twelve (12)] years of experience in planning for student-based academic programs, I am prepared to contribute to your school to help in achieving your goals.
My expertise started in [Bryant & Straton College] when they assigned me to oversee the overall academic program planning, allocate budget, and implement enhanced academic programs. I also worked as an Academic Program Director in [Western Governors University] directing more than [50] staff members in their academic program. The peak of my career rose in [Daymar College], wherein I led the implementation of policies and procedures to be incorporated with academic programs. From visualizing plans and programs to monitoring daily academic program logistics, I truly showcased my potential in driving goals to success.
With my [master’s degree] in [education] and my previous work experiences, I believe that I am the best candidate for implementing student-based academic programs. If you are considering me for this position, you may reach me at your most convenient time through my contact details below. Thank you very much.
[James Martinez]
[(630) 783-5549]