[August 13, 2025]
[Robert Schneider]
[Human Resource Manager]
[Blitzkrieg Airlines, Inc.]
[2819 Panzer Street]
[San Francisco, California, 94104]
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Dear [Mr. Schneider],
I am writing this letter in response to your hiring advertisement posted on the [13th Mall of Denver]. The poster informed that [Blitzkrieg Airlines, Inc.] requires an excellent [Flight Attendant]. I believe that as an experienced expert in the field, I am in the position to have this job and be an excellent addition to your team at your [Denver station].
I have been working as a [Flight Attendant] for [thirteen years] now. Although I have been through many companies, my previous company was my longest. I've stayed with [Southwest Airlines] for [nine years]. During my stay, I was responsible for performing various services within the aircraft while it is en route to the destination. I also assisted the passengers and the aircrew on numerous occasions or as the circumstance requires of it. These actions include but not limited to performing CPR to a collapsed passenger, bringing the luggage for the passenger, and other miscellaneous activities. I conduct safety and security checks, as well. Through my efforts, I have ensured that my customer are pleased with my service. In reciprocation, people have approached me numerous times, telling me of how grateful they are of my superb customer service and interpersonal skills.
I wish to inform you more about my skills and qualifications in this field. If ever this letter has piqued your interest, feel free to contact me at any time within the week through my contact information provided below. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for your generous considerations.
[Nicholas D. Goff]