[January 01, 2050]
[Robert Smith Jr.]
[Human Development Manager]
[Polaris Digital and System Solutions]
[1029 Frostskin Drive]
[Stockton, California, 95219]
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Dear [Mr. Smith],
I felt ecstatic as I learned that your company [Polaris Digital and System Solutions] is looking for someone with my skills. I felt compelled to send in my resume for your consideration as I learned of this. I believe that with my experience and expertise in the field, I am in the position for this job. I also think that having me on board will be an excellent decision you'll have.
I have been working in the industry for [thirteen years] now. I spent [nine years] of this, working on my previous company, [OBXtek]. During my stay in the company, I worked with [directors, sales, and sales support] regarding customer [LAN/WAN] needs. I also performed cost analyses and vendor comparisons to ensure cost-effective and efficient operations within our network systems. I worked with [systems administration managers] to refine security models, as well, from time to time. Through my efforts, we have polished our system operations to around [30% optimization]. In turn, it brings more people to trust and continue their support of our company.
If this letter has piqued your interest, contact me at any time within the week. I am indeed interested in having an interview with your company. You can keep in touch using my provided contact information down below. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for your generous consideration.
[Tammy P Lindsey]
[(209) 917-2209]