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I am wiring this letter to express my interest to apply to your company as the [International Operations Manager]. A friend of mine informed me that your company requires one with excellent skills and qualifications. As an expert in the field for [thirteen years] now, I believe that I am fully positioned to get this job. I also think that I will be an exceptional addition to your fantastic team at [River Groove Apparels]. Attached to this letter is my resume for your consideration.
I’ve spent the last [nine years] working with my previous company, [Rainbow International]. During my stay in the company, I was primarily responsible for facilitating, providing, and supporting the delivery of quality programs and plans with the consideration of the company’s established policies and goals. I also enforced and implemented compliance with all the company’s policies and procedures, safety rules, and with the local, county, state, and federal authority’ regulations. I provided intellectual support and assistance to the planning and planners of the company when it comes to polishing and deliberating their plans, as well. Through these efforts, the company was inducted into the [Fortune 500s] and was ranked [329th] in the [whole world]. This achievement clearly indicates the qualifications and talents that I will further bring into your company.
So, if ever this letter has piqued your interest, feel free to contact me at any time within this week through the contact information provided below. I am excited to hear from you any time soon. Thank you for your generous consideration.
Respectfully yours,