[November 09, 2078]
[Maer J. Redwood]
[Human Resource Manager]
[115 Lady Bug Drive]
[Queens, NY, 11413]
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Dear [Ms. Redwood],
I would like to grab the opportunity that your company [chief executive officer] [Mr. Eddie G.Dole], offered to me [last night] with regard to the open position as a hardware manager in your company. I recently moved here in [New York], and I am looking for a managerial job that in lines with my previous work at [Louisiana] that lasted for about [5] years.
During my service there, I modified the system design process of the company to meet and exceed the goals and objectives determined by the management and the preference of the clients. I coordinated with my marketing and social media socialist in defining trends for hardware development, which helped me and my team increase our hardware sales for about [40%] within my [5] year labor with them. I am with full pride that I can also be a valuable resource in your company from any moment you respond to this letter.
Please notify me in any means you're comfortable with. I am available from [8:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M.] on any weekdays you prefer. Thank you.
Respectfully yours,
[Mary S. Clark]