Simple Clerical Receptionist Cover Letter

Simple Clerical Receptionist Cover Letter in Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages

Download this Simple Clerical Receptionist Cover Letter Design in Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.




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I am writing this letter in response to your company’s advertisement in []. As an expert in the field, I felt compelled to send in my resume for your consideration. You see, I believe that my skills and qualifications in this area have fully positioned me to get this job. I also think that I will become an exceptional addition to your fantastic team at [Cumbulous Solutions].

I worked as a [Clerical Receptionist] for [thirteen years] now. I’ve spent the last [nine years] working with my previous company, [Rainbow International]. During my stay in the company, I was mainly responsible for providing clerical and administrative support to the front office part of the [Red Sky Building]. I’ve also worked with other [Clerical Receptionists] in different areas to ensure proper and strong communication lines exist between establishments. I reported weekly and monthly to the [Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Rainbow International], as well. Through my efforts, the company granted me [the employee of the year] award in [the year 2022]. I am forever grateful for this award.

However, be confident that these skills and qualities will be brought to your company later on. So, if ever this letter has piqued your interest, feel free to contact me at any time within this week through the contact information provided. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for your generous consideration.

Respectfully yours,


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