Times of uncertainty can undoubtedly come at any time when you least expect it. While you should practice keeping cash for a rainy day, our savings may not be enough to support extreme tragedies. Various offices are present that can assist individuals struggling financially. If you need to apply for a loan, the first step is to create an application letter. Let us help you out through our Free Calamity Loan Application Letter Template. You can create a message in a jiffy. Just customize it according to your details, and you’re ready to send it out. Download now and feel more at ease.
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[Applicant’s Name]
[Applicant’s Address]
[Applicant’s City, State, Zip Code]
[Loan Officer’s Name]
[Bank Address]
[Bank’s City, State, Zip Code]
Dear [Insert Name of Loan Officer]:
I, [Insert Name], an employee of [Insert the name of work place], and a resident of [Insert address], would like to apply for a calamity loan due to the losses accumulated from the COVID-19 pandemic, which has lead to [my family and/or me] experiencing financial hardship.
I hereby certify that:
- On [insert date], [insert what happened to you and/or your family that has caused some financial strain];
- I have, therefore, accumulated some losses due to the calamity such as, [insert the losses that you have suffered because of these calamities];
- The earnings of my loan application will be used to address my personal and family’s necessities, and to [insert how the money can help you recover from your losses];
- I agree to all the stipulations and regulations rendered during the processes and approval of my loan application as well as repayment thereafter; and
- I attest to the truth of my claims.
It is hoped that through this letter, you will have a better understanding of my current situation and why I am requesting temporary financial assistance. If you need clarifications or questions, you can reach me at [insert email address] or [insert phone number]. Thank you for your time, and hope to hear from you.
[Insert Your Name]