Tracy R. Rich
4569 Half and Half Drive,
Fresno, CA 93711
May 10, 2035
Diocese of Lapointe
3171 Carriage Lane
Mansfield, OH 44907
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Subject: Marriage Witness Affidavit for Leonard C. Short
Dear Diocese of Lapointe,
In writing this letter, I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge that:
I, Tracy R. Rich, a resident of 4569 Half and Half Drive, Fresno, CA 93711, certify that
Leonard C. Short was married to Amy V. Short on April 18, 2035, at Rosepark Church. I confirm that the persons stated above are mentally, emotionally, and physically able to live a normal married life.
As his close friend, I fully approve of their marriage to support their love and interest in one another. I do not see any reason why these two should not enter marriage.
In my judgment, the couple stated herein showed maturity and seriousness in preparation for their future life together.
Signature *
Tracy R. Rich
Name *
Date of birth: November 14, 2002
Place of birth: Fresno, CA, USA