Request for Payment of Unearned Discounts Template

Request for Payment of Unearned Discounts Template in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook

Download this Request for Payment of Unearned Discounts Template Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

If you find yourself in a dire situation where unearned discounts are involved and necessary payments are to be made, then you ought to consider making use of our Request for Payment of Unearned Discounts Template. Do not waste any more time looking for a better template, since we guarantee only the greatest levels of satisfaction and not a hint of disappointment with this product. Easy to use and customize, feel free to add any changes to this template that will be a better fit with your needs. Get this as an instant download today and reap its many wonderful benefits!

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We sent you a letter [NUMBER] days ago explaining our terms on an open account [NUMBER 1]. Perhaps the employees of your accounts payable department had overlooked our letter or are still unaware of the terms. If you could please ask the department if they have received our letter and to please bring it to their attention so that we will be able to clear up any misconceptions, we would be most grateful.

Our company, [COMPANY NAME], offers our clients the discount of [NUMBER 2]% once we are able to receive full payment for the merchandise [NUMBER 3] days prior to delivery. You are not obliged to provide us with an earlier payment. On the other hand, this does not mean that your company is entitled to such a discount. 

At present, the [NUMBER 4]% is subtracted from the invoice and our charges for your previous unearned discount shall be disregarded for now. These charges are added to your statements.

As such, we would like to inform you that the total due to unearned discounts currently amounts to $[NUMBER 5]. We request that you please send us a check amounting to this sum and, if possible, please send it to us on or before [DATE 1].

Thank you very much for your time and cooperation regarding this matter. You may contact us at [PHONE NUMBER] or send us a message at [EMAIL ID] if you have further questions. 



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